Walking or Chores: The Calorie Showdown

Walking vs Doing House Work: Which Burns More Calories?

Many people wonder if cleaning their house can burn as many calories as walking. Let's find out in simple words!

When you walk slowly, you burn 100-200 calories in one hour. If you walk faster, you can burn 300-400 calories. That's like eating one big chocolate bar!

Cleaning your house can also help you lose calories. When you vacuum your house for one hour, you burn about 175 calories. Mopping the floor burns 200 calories. Working in your garden can burn 250-300 calories, which is the same as going for a walk!

Walking is good because:

  • It's easy to do
  • You can do it for a long time
  • Being outside makes you happy
  • You get sunshine vitamin (vitamin D)

Cleaning is good because:

  • It makes different parts of your body work
  • Your arms, shoulders, and belly muscles get exercise
  • Your house becomes clean too!

Doctors say it's best to do both walking and cleaning. You can walk for 30 minutes and then clean for 30 minutes. This will help you burn more calories and stay healthy.

To burn even more calories:

  • Try walking up small hills
  • Clean your house with more energy
  • Do both activities every day

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